Jinn - Belief in the Unseen
The Quran and Sunnah indicate that the jinn exist, and that there is a purpose for their existence in this life, which is to worship Allah Alone, with no partner or associate.
I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me. [Quran 51:56]
The world of the jinn is an independent and separate world, with its own distinct nature and features that are hidden from the world of humans. The jinn and humans have some things in common, such as the possession of understanding and the choice between the way of good and the way of evil. The word jinn comes from an Arabic root meaning hidden from sight.
˹Allah will ask,˺ “O assembly of jinn and humans! Did messengers not come from among you, proclaiming My revelations and warning you of the coming of this Day of yours?” They will say, “We confess against ourselves!” For they have been deluded by ˹their˺ worldly life. And they will testify against themselves that they were disbelievers. [Quran 6:130]
According to the Quran, Allah created them from a smokeless flame of fire. This flame is different from the usual fire that humans utilize in their regular living. It’s similar to how Allah created humans from dirt, but we are not the same as the dirt on the ground, but share the same properties. The materials that Allah used are a different type of fire or dirt that only he has access to. This idea of being created from different materials can be seen in the history between Iblees the jinn and Adam the human. When Allah first made Adam and breathed life into him, Allah asked all present to prostrate before Adam.
The parties that were present were all the Angels and a Jinn named Iblees. Iblees worshipped Allah regularly and was elevated due to his devotion. Everyone prostrated except Iblees. He believed that he was better than Adam because he was made of fire while Adam was made out of Earth.
but not Iblîs,1 who refused to prostrate with the others.
Allah asked, “O Iblîs! What is the matter with you that you did not join others in prostration?”
He replied, “It is not for me to prostrate to a human You created from sounding clay moulded from black mud.”
[Quran 15:31-33]
This earned him the wrath of Allah and he was cursed till the end of time. He now has the title of Shaytan, the one whose primary goal is to lead mankind astray. Allah gave him extra abilities and power to test mankind with.
Allah commanded, “Then get out of Paradise, for you are truly cursed. And surely upon you is condemnation until the Day of Judgment.”
Satan appealed, “My Lord! Then delay my end until the Day of their resurrection.”
Allah said, “You will be delayed until the appointed Day.”
Satan responded, “My Lord! For allowing me to stray I will surely tempt them on earth and mislead them all together, except Your chosen servants among them.”
[Quran 15:34-40]
Iblees isn’t the only jinn and there are many other jinns as well. They are all made out of the same flame, but they have differing abilities. They can fly, move extremely fast, and transform into other creatures! One example is shown in the history of the prophet Solomon.
One mighty jinn responded, “I can bring it to you before you rise from this council of yours. And I am quite strong and trustworthy for this ˹task˺.”
But the one who had knowledge of the Scripture said,1 “I can bring it to you in the blink of an eye.” So when Solomon saw it placed before him, he exclaimed, “This is by the grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful, it is only for their own good. But whoever is ungrateful, surely my Lord is Self-Sufficient, Most Generous.”
[Quran 27:39-40]