Hijri calendar / Arabic calendar / Muslim calendar
Muslims around the world use the Islamic Calendar (also known as the Lunar or Hijri calendar) to determine the dates of religious events and observances. This Hijri calendar is based on 12 lunar months – a new month begins when a new moon is sighted. The Hijri calendar consists of 354 or 355 days.
The Hijri calendar consists of the following 12 months in numerical order:
- Muharram – The Month of Allah
- Safar – The Month of Distinction
- Rabi Al-Awwal – The Birth of the Beloved
- Rabi Al-Thani
- Jamada Al-Awwal
- Jamada Al-Thani
- Rajab – A Sacred Month
- Sha’ban – The Neglected Month
- Ramadan – The Month of Fasting
- Shawwal – The Month of Reward
- Dhul Qadah – A Sacred Month
- Dhul Hijjah – The 10 Best Days (The Month of Hajj)